See the photo of Rory McIlroy celebrating Europes victory over America in the Ryder Cup with a red wig and no shirt. The golfer also popped a champagne bottle before Zach Johnson finished his putt.
UPDATE: Friday, Oct. 3, at 9:45 p.m. ET Rory McIlroy says he has no idea how he erory mcilroy shirtlessnded up shirtless and wearing a wig-kilt combo after the Ryder Cup on Sunday night...
Rory McIlroy, the worlds No. 1 golfer, celebrated his Ryder Cup victory by adorning a kilt and wig. See the viral photo and how he and his team mates partied after the tournament.
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Michael Coney, Gods of the Greataway, Orbit/Futura, 1986. Cover uncredited. The Song of Earth series no. 2.
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rory mcilroy shirtless|Rory McIlroy goes shirtless with red wig after Ryder。
rory mcilroy shirtless|Rory McIlroy goes shirtless with red wig after Ryder。 - necrologi casarsa della delizia oggi -
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